Reliable solutions for online projects

Updated Acceptable Use Policy.


This Privacy Policy (hereinafter – the Policy) is made under EU legislation and international law requirements on personal data and stipulates the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the personal data security by (hereinafter – We, the Company).

We consider the observance of the individual and citizen’s rights and freedoms while processing their personal data, including protecting the rights to privacy, the secret of personal and family life, as our most important goal and condition. This Policy applies to all information We may receive about the visitors of

We explicitly limit the use of the Service only by adults who have reached the age of 18. We do not search or collect any personal information or data about persons who have not reached this age.

Before using Our Services, We ask you to read the Privacy Policy carefully. If you have any questions on this Policy or Our Personal Data collection process, as well as the terms of the Service Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy, please contact Us at [email protected].

We ask for Your consent to process your information for specific purposes and you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, by using our website, You hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its terms.

Terms used in this Policy:
Policy – this Privacy Policy.
We, Company –
You, User, Client – Services users (individual at least 18 years old or, if a different (higher) age of majority is established by the local legislator of the User – persons not younger than this age).
Service – the services and/or related services provided under the Services Terms.
Personal Data – User data collected and processed by the Company during the use of the Services.
GIFS – electronic images, called one-pixel (1×1) or blank GIFs, which can recognize certain types of information on Your computer.
Account – User account by the Service Agreement and its annexes.
Data Protection Laws – all applicable laws related to data processing, including Personal Data, if they are valid and relevant to the User’s Personal Data.
Applicable Laws – any other applicable Data Protection Laws not specified in the Policy and related to the processing of User Personal Data.
PCI-DSS – Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.
ICANN – (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) –Corporation for the management of Domain Names and IP Addresses, an international non-profit organization established with the participation of the US government to regulate domain names, IP addresses, and other aspects of the Internet.
CCTLD – (country code Top-Level Domain) – country-specific top-level domain.

1. Our role as a Personal Data Controller.

When choosing Us as your hosting provider, please take into account that any video, image or any content posted on the site uploaded or made available to You as a User for access on Your website (data controller) in the way not provided by Our Agreement and the Policies, regardless of whether such content is published, in this case, We do not consider this content to be personally identifiable information. Therefore, it is not the subject of our Privacy Policy.

According to the Terms of Service, as Your hosting provider, We only process Your data on your behalf; We also summarize that such data meets all legal requirements regarding Your use of data on Our hosting.

2. How We collect Your Data.

a. General site navigation.

You can access some parts of the Service without creating a User Account, in this case, only Your IP address, country of origin and other non-personal information about Your computer or device (such as requests to Internet applications, type of search engine, its language, the link to the network resource address (URL), operating system, and the date and time of requests) will be recorded among the syslog information and aggregate traffic information if any misappropriation of information and/or content will take place. If you have a User Account, this information will also be logged in the syslog information.

b. Cookies, metadata and data activity on the Site.

Cookies are small pieces of computer code that remain on Your computer and contain information that helps identify Your search engine.

When You visit your page, and the applications and software tools located there, cookies carry out recognition to grant permission to Your user ID to enter the system. We use the information collected by cookies to recognize Your search engine so that the next time You log in to visit the website, as well as to use the applications and its software tools, this process would be easier and faster since the site has already memorized all the necessary information. To get more details on our cookie policy and Your rights in this respect please read our Cookie Notice.

Sometimes the information You upload is provided with associated Metadata. If You do not want Us to use Metadata, You shall delete it before uploading to the page and other applications and software tools.

We may collect data about Your visits, including the pages You visit, the actions You take, Your preferences, the apps and software tools You use, the purchases You make, and the competitions You took part in. We may also collect information related to a computer, mobile phone, or other devices, including device type, search engine, location, IP address, and the words You use to search. We may collect, use, disclose and store this information in any way specified in Our Privacy Policy.

c. Unambiguous information about GIFS.

When You access our Service or Our website, We may provide You with certain GIFS (“web beacons”) used online to anonymously track our users’ patterns. When using these specific GIFS, no Personal Data is collected from Your Account. The information collected by GIFS is used to generate more accurate reporting, improve our service’s efficiency, and improve the quality of service for Our users and partners. These technologies do not collect your Personal Data but only collect data in aggregate.

d. Log files

We follow a standard procedure of using log files. These files log visitors when they visit websites. We do this and a part of our analytics. The information collected by log files include internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), date and time stamp, referring/exit pages, and possibly the number of clicks. These are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable. The purpose of the information is for analyzing trends, administering the site, tracking users’ movement on the website, and gathering demographic information.

3. Use of the User Account.

Creating a User Account provides ample opportunities related to Our Services. To register a User Account, We may need some of Your Personal Data.

As the Company and a User, We are obliged to jointly follow the Data Protection Laws and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation No. 2016/679), including any other applicable Regulation or other regulation related to the User’s Personal Data processing.

We assure You that the Personal Data You provided under the Service Agreement and this Policy is stored following the Applicable Law.

4. What Personal Data We collect and process.

When you trust Us with your Personal Data and personal information, We collect and process the following Personal Data:

  • Your name, address, and telephone number;
  • Email address, skype address, and other addresses/contact information/identifiers used in electronic communications;
  • identification Data, such as TIN/identification number (including documents, and information that confirms the identity of an individual);
  • Accounting information (information about software products and services You purchase or plan to buy from Us, information on domain name registration, IP addresses assigned by Us, Client identifier, or any other information related to Your electronic account);
  • Information about our correspondence– We may keep a record of any correspondence between us, including Customer Service Requests, information on resolving technical or administrative issues, information about conversations with Us, information about emails or letters sent to Us, or other data relates to any contact or communication with Us;
  • Information on the payment methods.

5. We process Your Personal Data only to achieve the following purposes:

  • fulfillment of our agreement, processing of orders and provision of software products and services, as well as conductions of Our business activities and the performance of Our functions and obligations;
  • enabling technical staff to assist You when needed and to manage Our infrastructure, systems, databases, and other applications or software tools;
  • maintaining contact with You to provide information about Our services, offers, orders, status and payment of orders, as well as to answer Your questions and questions of potential customers;
  • assist in purchases of Our products or services on Our web site or to promote Our cooperation otherwise. In this case, You will be redirected to a third party page (secure Internet payment gateway). We will not store or collect detailed information about your credit/debit/payment card or other payment tools. This information is transmitted directly to our third party’s payment systems, which is also subject to this Policy. These payment systems comply with the PCI-DSS system’s standards managed by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Board, a collaborative product of the Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover brands. PCI-DSS compliance helps to ensure safe handling of payment information;
  • improving the quality of Our website, Our software products, and services;
  • performing financial procedures, including settlements, invoicing, collection of service fees, and processing of financial transactions concerning accepting orders and granting rights to collect debts to third parties;
  • implementation of any of Our website features, statistical analysis of its use or the applications or software tools available on it, conducting market research, surveys to measure user satisfaction with Our Services to retain them as customers, marketing activities (including the use of email, newsletters and public media), sales events (including analysis of data and use of Our services for marketing offers and quotas to build relationships with the client and/or to maintain, update and expand these types of relationships);
  • investigating and handling suspicious violations of the Acceptable Use Policy;
  • ensuring the safety of individuals, finding and preventing cases of fraud, detecting or preventing illegal transactions;
  • compliance with Applicable Law, including Our Terms of Service, or other applicable rules and conditions resulting from any legal proceedings, or to comply with the authority requests.

If You decide not to provide Us with Your Personal Data, then We may not be able to offer You with information, software products, and services, or support that You may need.

We collect Your Personal Data in compliance with Applicable Law and when it is required.

However, as a rule, We collect Your Personal Data only (i) to enter into the agreement with you; (ii) when the processing complies with Our legitimate interests and is not canceled under Your rights; or (iii) when We have received Your consent to such processing.

In some cases, We may have a legal obligation to collect and process Your Personal Data, or We may need it to protect Your interests or the interests of another person.

If We ask You to provide Personal Data following legal requirements or to enter into the agreement with you, We will do it transparently, at the appropriate time, and inform You whether the collection of Your Personal Data is mandatory (as well as the possible consequences if not provided).

We process Your Personal Data only during the validity of our agreement.

We process Your Personal Data only in line with Your written instructions unless the authorities require their processing, legal obligation, court order, or virtue of any other Applicable Law for the proper functioning of Our systems, application of the Terms of Service, protection of Us and Our users or any other reason under the Applicable Law. If so, We will immediately notify You of the legal requirements before the commencement of the Personal Data processing required by the Applicable Law, unless these regulations prohibit such notification.

6. Data Minimization.

We will take all reasonable steps to (i) limit the amount of Personal Data that is necessary for this Policy, (ii) collect Your Personal Data solely for this Policy.

We may share data about You with:

  • partners or agents involved in the provision/purchase of Services that You have ordered from Us;
  • fraud prevention agencies;
  • debt collection agencies or other debt collection organizations;
  • judicial or other public authorities to the extent required by the Applicable Law;
  • We also share Your data to the extent and for the purposes set out in the rules, regulations, or policies of ICANN or CCTLD when registering a domain name with Us. In this case, the disclosure of your Personal Data is determined by their Privacy Policy.

We do not share Your Personal Data with third parties unless consistent with this Policy, any contract between us or Applicable Law.

You authorize Us to use any Personal Data We collect to achieve any of the purposes, including, but not limited to, specified in this Policy.

You may withdraw the consent to Your Personal Data processing Data. To withdraw Your consent, please send a message to Our Data Protection Officer at [email protected]. After receiving the withdrawal, We will inform You whether We can further provide the Services and to what extent You may enjoy them, depending on the content of your withdrawal.

7. We collect Personal Data through a variety of methods, including:

  • Our website;
  • communication with You, including letters, emails, and conversations with You;
  • the process of providing You with Our software products and services, including support through Our respective service, when You use Our network, infrastructure and/or other services;
  • when performing Our functions and activities related to the business activities.

We store your Personal Data when necessary for Our current legitimate business activities (for example, to provide You with the service requested or to comply with Applicable Law, including tax and financial). If We do not have the aforementioned necessity to process your Personal Data, We delete it.

8. Third-Party Privacy Policies

Our Privacy Policy does not apply to other advertisers or websites. Thus, We are advising You to consult the respective Privacy Policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information. It may include their practices and instructions about how to opt-out of certain options.

You can choose to disable cookies through your individual browser options. To know more detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers, it can be found at the browsers’ respective websites.

9. Data transfers

We maintain servers around the world, and Your information may be processed on servers located outside of the country where You live. Data protection laws vary among countries, with some providing more protection than others. Regardless of where Your information is processed, We apply the same protections described in this Policy. We also comply with certain legal frameworks relating to the transfer of data.

The European Commission has determined that certain countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) adequately protect personal data. To transfer data from the EEA to other countries, such as the United States, We comply with legal frameworks that establish an equivalent level of protection with EU law.

When We receive formal written complaints, We respond by contacting the person who made the complaint. We work with the appropriate regulatory authorities, including local data protection authorities, to resolve any complaints regarding the transfer of Your data that We cannot resolve with you directly.

10. You have the following rights to protect your Personal Data:

  • You have the right to delete or restore all Your Personal Data after related Services were provided, and delete all existing copies to the extent required by Applicable Law.
  • You have the right to withdraw Your consent to the processing of Your Personal Data. You can do this at any time. Withdrawal will not adversely affect the legality of any processing We conduct prior to the aforementioned withdrawal, and will not adversely affect Your Personal Data processing performed under a legal basis.
  • You have the right to request information about Your Personal Data, including its processing and access.
  • You have the right to request the correction of any discrepancy in Your Personal Data. Considering the processing purpose, you have the right to add information to your Personal Data, including through a notification with related explanations and the Personal Data you want to add.
  • In certain circumstances, You have the right to delete your Personal Data without unnecessary delay if: (a) Your Personal Data is no longer required for the purposes it was collected and/or processed for, (b) You have withdrawn Your consent to the Personal Data processing, and We have no other legal basis for their processing; (c) Your Personal Data has been processed unlawfully.

Your right to delete Your Personal Data cannot be exercised when processing is necessary to (a) comply with a legal obligation; (b) to form, enforce or defend legal claims.

  • You have the right to access, amend or update Your Personal Data or request their deletion at any time by sending a related request to [email protected].
  • You also have the right to refuse Your Personal Data, ask Us to restrict its processing, or make it portable from one system to another. You can exercise this right by sending Us relevant requests to [email protected].
  • You have the right not to participate in marketing surveys We may send You. You can cancel the subscription for marketing emails by clicking on the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” (refuse to participate) links in Our marketing email. To withdraw Your participation from other forms of marketing, please contact Us via email [email protected].
  • if You are convinced that Personal Data processing violates the Data Protection Laws, you have the right to file a claim with the appropriate supervisory authority responsible for the protecting such data.

We respond to all inquiries that We receive from individuals wishing to exercise their rights to protect Personal Data under applicable Data Protection Laws.

Additionally, if You are a European resident, We note that We are processing Your Personal Data in order to fulfill contracts We might have with You, or otherwise to pursue our legitimate business interests listed above.

Under the CCPA, Privacy Rights (Do Not Sell My Personal Information) among other rights, California consumers have the right to:
• request that a business that collects a consumer’s personal data disclose the categories and specific pieces of personal data that a business has collected about consumers.
• request that a business delete any personal data about the consumer that a business has collected.
• request that a business that sells a consumer’s personal data, not sell the consumer’s personal data.

11. How We ensure data security:

  • We have all appropriate technical and organizational tools designed to protect Your Personal Data from unauthorized or illegal processing, unforeseen loss, destruction, or damage, taking into account the state of technological development and the cost of using any measures. If necessary, these measures may cover the installation of identification signs and encryption of Your Personal Data, which ensures the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and flexibility of Our systems and services while ensuring timely recovery of Your Personal Data and access to them after the force-majeure event, as well as regular assessment and determination of the effectiveness of Our technical and organizational measures;
  • We use cryptographic one-way hash functions to store Your Data. The hashing stream cannot be canceled;
  • We are constantly reviewing and expanding technical, physical, and managerial procedures to protect Your Personal Data. We use industry standard TLS certificates to ensure the transit data is encrypted, for example, all access to Our Websites, while the management portals are protected by HTTPS.
  • All Personal Data is stored on closed servers. We use firewalls and a User Access Control management system. All servers are physically located in closed racks, access to which is limited and protected by five security levels;
  • The Data Protection Officer, promptly and under Applicable Laws, is duly involved in resolving all issues related to the Personal Data protection;
  • All personnel with access to Personal Data and/or its processing keep such Personal Data confidential;
  • We can help You to fulfill Your obligations for the Personal Data security to comply with the requirements and before the relevant regulatory authorities. You shall pay for such assistance according to the tariffs;
  • We will promptly notify You of the confirmed fact on your Personal Data damage.

You understand and acknowledge that by responding to Our request, You are assisting Us in fulfilling our obligations under the Applicable Law at the time of such request. In this regard, You agree to comply with Our instructions to fulfill the requirements specified in such a request, and without imposing financial obligations on Us for such fulfillment.

You must promptly, but no later than 24 hours, inform Us in writing on any breach of any obligation outlines in the Terms of Service. This obligation also applies for real disruption to the ordinary course of operations, even if there was no suspicion of the Personal Data confidentiality violation. You agree to provide Us with all required information to fulfill Our obligations under Applicable Law.

12. Inviolability of children’s privacy.

We do not intentionally collect any personal data from children under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, please do not submit any personal data through Us. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to help enforce this Policy by instructing their children never to provide personal data through our website without their permission. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 18 has provided personal data to us through Us, please contact Us. You must also be old enough to consent to the processing of your personal data in your country. If you find out that a child has provided us with Personal Data and information, You shall notify Us on this by sending a notice to [email protected].

13. Other

If You have an Account and a relevant password that gives You access to particular Service, You are responsible for keeping your password confidential. Anyone with Your password can access Your Account and other Personal Data

While We use acceptable physical, administrative, and technical security measures to protect Your information and Personal Data, We shall warn that the transmission of such information over the Internet is not entirely secure. However, We cannot ensure or guarantee the security of any information or content You transmit to Us. Such transfer is at Your own risk.

Since You have the right to access, correct, or delete your information and Personal Data when using the Service, You can exercise this right by sending Us an appropriate request with the necessary actions.

14. Amendments to the Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to change this Policy and post any of its revised versions on Our website www. We recommend you check this page to track the changes regularly.

15. Contact us.

If You have any questions or problems requiring a solution related to this Privacy Policy, You can always contact Us via email [email protected].