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Integration to KVS

To integrate CMS Kernel Video Sharing (KVS) with AnycastCDN you need to follow some simple steps:

  1. In the websa panel, follow to AnycastCDN section and press the button «Create New CDN Resource»
  2. In the window select the content source to use as CDN content. In this case, you need to select the origin domain.
  3. On this step you need to set the origin domain name, “CDN Resource” name and alternate subdomain. For example (scree) origin domain name –, “CDN Resource” name —, user domain –
  4. For using “User domain” you need to set CNAME to technical CDN domain – “System domain”.
  5. After “CDN Resource” is activated, and CNAME for custom domain follow to technical aCDN domain, you can get a KVS setup. In file admin/include/setup.php after string:




This will add a new CMS variable with alter domain name.

If you need for example distribute video screenshots via aCDN, then replace project_url to project_url_cdn:

- $config['content_url_videos_screenshots']="$config[project_url]/contents/videos_screenshots";

+ $config['content_url_videos_screenshots']="$config[project_url_cdn]/contents/videos_screenshots";

Save the file and reload site administer panel to prevent load cached content.

By default aCDN stores files after the first download from the site and keeps on aCDN 2 days.