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To use API you must get API token.

Cache Purge

The document contains a cache API description presented as curl commands with parameters. Also, there are variables needed for mentioned commands work. All the code could be executed in shell or added to sh-script. Naturally, the code could be adapted to any programming language.

Variables, needed for all the commands work: export API_URL=”” export ACCESS_TOKEN=”ExAmPlEeXaMpLeExAmPlEeXa”

ACCESS_TOKEN could be retrieved in Websa interface section Settings->API ( ) after pressing CREATE NEW TOKEN link and creating the token. Then it is needed to press the menu button (three vertical dots) on the newly created token, press “Copy token” and copy it.

So, commands:

  1. Get pull zones list

curl -X GET “$API_URL/v2/pull_zones” \ -H “Accept: application/json” \ -H “Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN”

The next commands will be related to a definite pull zone. That’s why we need to find the ID of the pull zone in the previously retrieved list and add it to the variable PULL_ZONE_ID. This ID also could be found in the link of pull zone settings, like

export PULL_ZONE_ID=”abcdef01-2345-6789-abcd-ef0123456789″

  1. Total purge

curl -X DELETE “$API_URL/v2/pull_zones/$PULL_ZONE_ID/cache” \ -H “Accept: application/json” \ -H “Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN”

  1. Purge by full path

Path should be inserted in path array in the POST (POST is JSON-formatted) Path should begin from the / sign.

curl -X DELETE “$API_URL/v2/pull_zones/$PULL_ZONE_ID/cache” \ -H “Accept: application/json” \ -H “Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN” \ -H “Content-Type: application/json” \ -d ‘{ “paths”: “/file1.txt”, “/file2.txt” }’

It is better to create less “Purge by full path” tasks but with more paths in each – in this case deleting will work more effectively.

Manage CDN Resource
Token for X-Auth-Token header could be retrieved in Websa interface section Settings->API ( ) after pressing CREATE NEW TOKEN link and creating the token. Then it is needed to press menu button (three vertical dots) on newly created token, press “Copy token” and copy it.

So, the API:

Manage User Domains
Token for X-Auth-Token header could be retrieved in Websa interface section Settings->API ( ) after pressing CREATE NEW TOKEN link and creating the token. Then it is needed to press menu button (three vertical dots) on newly created token, press “Copy token” and copy it.

:pull_zone_id – the ID of pull-zone, it could be found in the link of pull zone settings, like :custom_domain_id – the ID of custom domain, it could in the link of certificate configuration, like (the second id).

So, the API:

Manage SSL Certificates
Token for X-Auth-Token header could be retrieved in Websa interface section Settings->API ( ) after pressing CREATE NEW TOKEN link and creating the token. Then it is needed to press menu button (three vertical dots) on newly created token, press “Copy token” and copy it.

:pull_zone_id – the ID of pull-zone, it could be found in the link of pull zone settings, like :custom_domain_id – the ID of custom domain, it could in the link of certificate configuration, like (the second id).

So, the API:Сertificate.pdf

Token for X-Auth-Token header could be retrieved in Websa interface section Settings->API ( ) after pressing CREATE NEW TOKEN link and creating the token. Then it is needed to press the menu button (three vertical dots) on newly created token, press “Copy token” and copy it.

curl -X GET “” -H “X-Auth-Token: token” :type – statistics type. Possible types: traffic, hybrid, bandwidth. :date – date of statistics. Format: 2018-03-25. :period – period of statistics. possible values: day, month, year. :records_format – format of returned data. Possible values: array, plain. :pull_zone_id – optional parameter that represents pull zone to get statistics for.


Query: curl -X GET “” -H “X-Auth-Token: qpq5vJvHCxRKFR6uyGmbaK2p”

Answer: { “fields”:”total_bandwidth”, “records”:{“total_bandwidth”:0,”date”:”2018-04-10T00:00:00.000Z”}, {“total_bandwidth”:0,”date”:”2018-04-10T00:05:00.000Z”}, …, {“total_bandwidth”:0,”date”:”2018-04-10T23:50:00.000Z”}, {“total_bandwidth”:0,”date”:”2018-04-10T23:55:00.000Z”}, “summary”:{} }